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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 3, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm PDT

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conflict here changing. wolf? >> it's a dangerous situation, indeed. nick, thanks very much. that's it for me. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." "cnn newsroom" with brooke "cnn newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- we have to begin with this ghost story. a character named slender man allegedly inspired two young girls, i'm talking middle school, to lead their young friend into the woods and stab her 19 times. this is all according to police in this chilling case of how fantasy has become reality. morgan geyser, and anisa weir allegedly lured their friend into a wooded area outside of milwaukee. all of this after the three girls went roller skating, and had a slumber party. according to this criminal complaint, this one victim was,
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quote, one millimeter away from death. >> the victim was able to crawl out of the woods onto the roadway near the end of big bend road, where she was discovered by a bicyclist. she was transported to the hospital by the fire department, where she underwent surgery for her injuries. >> a lot of layers to this story. this is when it really gets bizarre, though. because both of these suspects, these 12-year-olds had a fascination with a vick tishs character called slender man, often featured on this website known as creepy pasta wicki. it's a site that deals with death and horror stories. and police say the suspects had been planning this attack inspired by this site and this character since february. during a court appearance yesterday, the parents of these two 12-year-olds were seen crying as they walked out. cnn's rosa flora joins me from new york. rosa, from everything i've read here, this stabbing over the weekend, it wasn't the first
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plot these two young girls allegedly had planned, correct? >> brooke, so many creepy details. now, i'll expand on these creepy details. all of this is in the criminal complaint. these girls, according to this complaint, were plotting since february, and when they became familiar with this fictitious character that brooke just described, they believed that they had to kill someone in order for them to join him and become his proxy. so what do they do, they start to plot and plan for them to kill someone during their sleepover party on may 30th. so they're on the bus, and they're talking about this in code to make sure that no one knows what they're talking about. and they prepare for it on that day. in their bag they have granola bars, water, pictures of their parents because they don't want to forget what their parents look like. and then the plot. there are three of them.
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here we go. so the first one is duct tape over the mouth, stab her in the neck, and then run. plot number two, kill her in the park bathroom, because the bathroom has a drain, and the blood can go down this drain, and then run. plot number three, play hide-and-seek, stab her, and then go on to meet slender man in his mansion. of course, now we know according to this criminal complaint that they went with plot number three. they stabbed -- allegedly stabbed this girl 19 times. now, they are charged as adults. they're 12 years old, charged as adults, first-degree intentional homicide. we should add we did talk to one of the girls' attorneys, and they did say that based on all these details that you and i have been talking about, they do believe there's a mental health issue, and this attorney says they would like the girl evaluated. >> they are 12, rosa.
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and as we learned, some of us for the first time about this character slender man, or this creepy pasta website, have you had any luck getting response from the group that runs this site that the girls were apparently inspired by? >> you know, i checked out the site and actually on their home page they've got a tweet that's loud and clear, asking you to go look at their statement. and their statement says, in part, this wiki does not endorse or advocate for killing, worship or replication of rituals of fi fick tigsal. according to one of the attorneys, there could be a mental health issue issue. >> rosa, thank you. telling ghost stories around the camp fire. i was a big fan back in the day, or at a slumber party.
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it's not uncommon. but to rosa's point, this blurred line between the stories and the real world could be something new here. the internet could be serving as the catalyst. the girls in wisconsin were trying to impress slender man, the name of this ghostly figure on one of the sites, creepy pasta, which posed, as we mention, in these different horror stories. slender man is a commonly featured character on this site. and to climb up into his realm, a user must kill someone, this is, again, owhat one of the suspects told police. you have a teenager. before we get into any of this, have you heard of the slender man character? have you heard of creepy pasta? >> you know, i haven't heard of this particular website, but i have a 16-year-old daughter, and we've been through a lot of vampires and werewolves, and stephen king is her favorite author. there's a lot of horror going on in my house. always, young girls, well into
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their 20s even, are the biggest consumers of true crime and horror. they're looking for ways to protect themselves. it's contra dick tiff, because they're also finding ways to die. >> but there's the "but" here. these are two 12-year-old girls. somehow, somewhere up here they have convinced themselves that according to some horror story on a website, if they kill someone, they join this realm? what? >> okay, this has to do with the developing brain and the age of these young girls. children are born with wild imaginations. we hopefully evolve to have imaginations so we can have planning and move forward and strategize and deal with some of the hard times of childhood. but if it's any evidence, adults have trouble, defining or making a line in between fantasy and reality, there's a whole show on mtv called catfish that people are in love with someone on a
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computer, okay? you can also extrapolate there are many people who think they hate or are plotting murders. but when you're 12, the line is very difficult to distinguish. adults have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy on the internet. so i really worry. now, the other piece is that these are girls. adolescent girls. and for this age to show that level of aggression -- >> isn't that rare? >> -- either in emerging mental illness or someone suffered some bad abuse themselves. >> which we don't know. it's not often you hear about this kind of gruesome crime, stabbing a knife 19 times into this little girl, a millimeter near her organs, she wouldn't be here. as you're hearing all the different details, though, it's one thing to -- with our imaginations, or with a young girl's imagination, think through something. but how does one go from thinking through to actually carrying it out, allegedly? >> well, yes, it became a
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perfect storm when it translated from fantasy into reality. my gut instinct tells me that since only one girl brought the weapon, that there was a leader, and there was a follower. and the leader may be the one who either had an emerging mental illness, or who suffered so much aggression and child abuse, physical abuse in her own childhood, again, we don't generally diagnose children until they turn 18, except for a conduct disorder. we don't give them big personality disorders or mental illness until they turn 18. but stuff is still emerging along the way. >> just to see their parents of these young suspects weeping, walking out of this courtroom yesterday. i'm sure the full picture will emerge in the coming days. wendy walsh, thank you for joining me. a bit of breaking news on the prisoner swap involve iing e bergdahl. the white house is now apologizing for not warning congress about releasing the five taliban detainees. all of this, of course, as we
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heard from the president this morning, he's defending his decision. but to justify it, he sites the actions of former presidents. is he right? we'll talk live with the presidential historian. also ahead, a judge's argument with a lawyer. goes to a whole new level. watch this. >> you know, if i had a rock, i would throw it at you right now. stop -- me off. just sit down. i'll take care of it. i don't need your help. sit down. >> i'm a public defender and i have a right to be here. >> i said, sit down!
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the president is getting grilled for his decision to swap mid to high-level taliban leaders for the release of this army sergeant. his fellow soldiers say these six men died while searching for bergdahl. president said the exchange for his release upheld, quote, a sacred rule to never leave a man behind in uniform. >> regardless of the circumstances, whatever those circumstances may turn out to be, we still get an american soldier back if he's held in captivity, period. we don't condition that. is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? absolutely. that's been true of all the prisoners that were released from guantanamo. there's a certain recidivism rate that takes place.
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i wouldn't be doing it if i thought it was contrary to american national security. this is what happens at the end of wars. that was true for george washington, that was true for abraham lincoln, that was true for fdr, that's been true of every combat situation, that at some point you make sure that you try to get your folks back. >> that was the president this morning in warsaw. here's our senior washington correspondent joe johns. joe, you have some news now, because a lot of folks in congress are saying, hang on a second, the white house did not notify us within that 30-day rule. now you have news from the senate intelligence chair dianne feinstein that she got a call from the white house. >> reporter: she did get a call from tony blinken over at the white house, who apologized apparently to senator dianne feinstein for not informing them in advance of the release of
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bowe bergdahl. we're also getting more information about what other members of congress learned about the administration's prisoner swap deal here. it is our understanding, according to a source, that most of the substantive discussions between the white house and the office of house speaker john boehner ended in 2011 with the exception of one briefing in 2012. we're told there was a lot of pushback from people here in congress on this. so much so, that then secretary hillary clinton wrote a letter responding to some of the concerns. but the source says that letter remains classified to this day. some of the pushback we've heard about from john boehner and others was, questions like, are we exhausting all means to rescue bergdahl, concerns about national security being compromised in the swap deal with the five officers of the taliban in exchange for one u.s. soldier. so a lot more questions being raised here on capitol hill.
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and the question is, who knew what, when, brooke. >> joe johns, thank you. we want to get reaction that, and historic context of prisoner swaps in this country. professor, welcome back here. if i may, just -- you've heard the reporting there from joe johns, this phone call from the white house and tony blinken, the deputy national security adviser, to dianne feinstein saying, we're sorry. have you ever heard of this before? >> yeah, i think tensions between congress and the president on all national security matters are pretty great. not just with republicans, but with democrats who often feel that they are not informed about what's going on with the administration. and then dealing with these scandals or controversies, as they unfold. >> okay. let's take it back. historically speaking, we heard the president, and he even referenced his predecessors way back, to george washington he
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mentioned made similar decisions about never leaving a man or woman behind on the battlefield. and just doing my own research today, this goes back to revolutionary wartimes, does it not? >> absolutely. there's many examples of dealing with enemies, and arranging different kind of swaps and negotiations to release american soldiers, and other kinds of diplomats. the iran hostage crisis is a famous one, from jimmy carter, where he negotiated an end. ronald reagan did it in 1985. working with the israelis to try to free hostages in beirut through the release of people who were being detained by the israelis. >> what about the price for that? >> the price is the controversy. meaning, some say that then instigates more hostage taking, and it encourages enemies to engage in these kinds of actions. but the evidence is unclear. i'm saying, you know, this will happen anyway.
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regardless of what is or is not done by the u.s. this case is a little different in that it looks like the soldier actually left, and i think people are trying to figure out what happened in the initial moments. >> that's what many are now coming out and saying, men who served in his platoon in that province in afghanistan, is that he did leave his post. we know ultimately once bowe bergdahl gets better, all of those questions will be asked of him. i was talking yesterday, it was a fascinating conversation with a vietnam war veteran who was a p.o.w. for five-plus years. he even came home on the same plane as john mccain. he was talking about his time in the camps, how he did know of other prisoners, he wasn't totally alone, they had a code to communicate. so the situation with bowe bergdahl, the fact he was likely alone, that he was held by the haqqani network, can you think of any other situation in which an american has been held captive like this, anything that comes close to this?
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>> i'd have to think, i don't know off the top of my head, most of the examples we've talked about are groups, whether you're talking about a situation with north korea under lyndon johnson, where a group was held hostage, or with the vietnamese p.o.w. here we are talking about a single person, and in these unusual circumstances, which also makes the politics i think a little trickier, more confusing here in the u.s. >> thank you, as always, for coming on, professor at princeton woodrow wilson school. thank you very much. >> thank you. we're getting breaking information now from the pentagon on how the army will proceed with bowe bergdahl. we were just talking about those new details, when we come back. you're watching cnn. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk
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let's get to the breaking news here on cnn. a statement from the army on how they are planning to proceed with the investigation into the situation surrounding bowe bergdahl. let's go straight to the pentagon and barbara starr. barbara, what's the statement say? >> brooke, good afternoon. the secretary of the army has just issued a statement. he says, again, the top priority is bowe bergdahl's recovery. but once that happens, here are the next steps. the army says it will begin a review in a, quote, comprehensive coordinated effort that will include speaking with sergeant bergdahl to better learn from him the circumstances of his disappearance, and captivity. all other decisions will be made thereafter and in accordance with appropriate regulations, policies and practices.
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so let's decipher this for everybody. what are we talking about here. the army is going to let him recover. then they are going to talk to him. they will begin a review. what officials are telling us on the sidelines is, this will begin with a basic fact-finding review of fact-finding investigation. one of these was conducted five years ago, when he first disappeared. it has been closed, but not really, because they could never talk to him. so essentially, they started another fact-finding investigation, talking to him, talking to whoever else they need to talk to, to try to put all the pieces together. this then will tell the army where things stand. and it will be up to the army, up to the commanders to decide the next steps after that. do they want to proceed with disciplinary action against sergeant bergdahl? do they just dismiss him from the army? the options are completely open. we always hear about commanders'
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discreti discretion. it really will be up to the army to decide what they want to do next, after this review is completed, brooke. >> two questions since i have you, barbara starr. one, do we know from the review of the questions from the army begin once he comes back to the states, presumably to the hospital in arizona, and two, we have this ticktock, when he gets to see his parents? >> let me address the parents first. we don't know the answer. his doctors and his psychology team, it is them working with bowe bergdahl that will decide when the time is right for that. he now is in what they call phase 2 at landstuhl hospital in germany, still very much in a hospital environment. they need to get him clearly a little bit better before they're going to bring him back to the united states. that will make his recovery proceed along.
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what the army is basically saying, they want to question him once he is further down the road in recovery. i don't think anybody believes at this point, just a couple of days into this, after five years in captivity, he's really ready to talk in detail about this in any kind of fashion that the army would want to hear, for a legal proceeding. his parents will be in the coming days, but no one is saying exactly when, brooke. >> barbara starr, thank you for that update. more news just in involving your health. if you have ever had food poisoning, and i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, there is a good chance you got it while dining out. every year, 20 million people got sick from the norovirus in the u.s. the cdc said it oftentimes is spread by restaurant workers. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here with me. >> has everybody finished lunch? >> put the sandwich down. tell me what the report says.
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>> it's important to know, but it's certainly ick. norovirus, number one cause of food poisoning in the united states, most of the time when the millions of people get norovirus, hands. hands are the reason. and the reason why workers' hands are the reason, is that one in five food service workers has reported working while sick -- not recovering from -- but while sick with vomiting and diarrhea. and i'm sure you can guess why they're working while sick. minimum wage, no benefits, no sick leave. >> they want the money. >> they're supporting a family. they're going in to work. they are not washing their hands as much as they should. they've actually -- researchers have gone to restaurants and watched and know they're not watching their hands as much as they should. and again, restaurants just -- they don't pay these guys when they're sick. you not only should be out of work while you're sick, but 48 hours after you've gotten better, because they can still
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shed the virus, and get people sick. >> that is the worst thing ever. >> it is. >> ever, ever, ever. >> the cdc in pretty strong language says, look, restaurants need to think about this. and they need to think about policies that would encourage people to stay home, because they are getting the rest of us sick. it's not just that we're running to the bathroom. this is landing some people on their deathbed. hundreds and hundreds of people die from food poisoning every year. >> don't go to work. please, don't go to work. elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. pick that sandwich back up, we'll move on. more breaking news. the white house reportedly apologized to congress over bowe bergdahl. some said at best a deserter, at worst a traitor, but president obama is now responding to that criticism as many are questioning the deal that freed him. you will hear from him, next.
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bottom of the hour, you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. a gruesome story, police say was inspired by a ghostly character online. these two girls, 12 years of age, allegedly lured their friend into the woods and stabbed her so many times, 19 times, she nearly died. police say the pair was inspired by a series of horror stories
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online and created their alleged plot to impress this fick tigsal character. how and why did these girls during this fiction into reality. who is this slender man? let me bring in doug groh. i never heard of any of this stuff. i got a full education as of today. can you explain to me creepy pasta. >> one of those internet words that makes no sense. it comes from copy paste, the online fiction writing. creepy pasta is short little horror stories. >> like ghost stories we would tell back in the day, but online. >> the kind of things you would put in an e-mail and forward, did you hear this crazy story. people write them kind of that way. sometimes people don't realize they're fake. but it's a short fiction writing style. >> there are multiple stories. one of the tales is that of slender man. >> yes. >> scary 8-foot-tall -- who is
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he? >> slender man is a classic internet story. back in 2009, some guys on the something awful website had a photo shop contest. they said who can make the best picture that looks like a ghost photograph, paranormal photograph. this guy made these pictures of little kids with this ominous picture in the background. photoshopped them in the background, and it spread to other websites, the horror websites. youtube channels with 800 followers following these sort of blair witch project type stories of slender man. he's defld a life of his own. >> but they're stories, though. the big question is, how did two 12-year-olds get this -- somehow ingest this story, believe that according to this one website, if they go kill someone else, they can enter the slender man realm and live with him forever. they were so serious, one of the young girls had a picture of her
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family with her when they found her because she really thought she was never going home. >> that's what's so troubling. it sounds like the way they described the creepy pasta wiki to the police was a website that was run by slender man. he was the head of the website. and you had to do these things to please him. the folks at the website put out a statement, it's a website with a bunch of fictional stories. they're saying, our hearts go out to the victim. obviously 99.9% of the people who read the website know what it is. something to scare ourselves with. something horrible went on here where they lost track of what was happening. >> these 12-year-olds could be tried as adults. you writing something for dotcom? >> we'll be updating it throughout the day. >> thank you so much. >> absolutely. appreciate it. and now, let's bounce back to this story about bowe bergdahl. as he is improving at landstuhl regional center in germany, the outcry against the once captive
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soldier is growing louder here. those who served with him in that platoon, in that province in afghanistan, they're blaming bergdahl for the deaths of others, saying that these six men were killed in the search for him after they say he deserted his post back in 2009. the army is reserving final judgment until investigators hear from bergdahl himself. the president while in poland today defended the decision to release bergdahl in exchange for high taliban leaders previously detained at guantanamo bay. >> regardless of the circumstances, whatever those circumstances may turn out to be, we still get an american soldier back if he's held in cab tith. captivity. period. we have consulted with congress for quite some time about the possibility that we might need
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to execute a prisoner exchange in order to recover sergeant bergdahl. we saw an opportunity. we were concerned about sergeant bergdahl's health. we had the cooperation of the qataris to execute an exchange and we seized that opportunity. >> let's go to our white house correspondent michelle kosinski in poland. explain this to me. we heard from the president. he has defended his decision for this exchange. and yet, as we've been reporting the last half hour, there was this apology we've learned about from the white house. tell me about that. >> reporter: right. the outcry, even from high-ranking members of congress, is becoming louder and louder. that's not entirely surprising. given that this was a presidential decision at the top levels without consulting congress. but now it's becoming more clear from the members of congress, what exactly they knew and didn't know about this deal.
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you heard the president spell it all out there. in the key phrase, congress has been consulted about this for some time. now people like dianne feinstein, the chairman of the senate intelligence committee, said we didn't know the details of that. and he and others, john mccain, house speaker john boehner saying yes, there were consultations, but the details were not clear, in terms of how this deal ended up going down. but also, they say there was bipartisan opposition, and strong opposition over the course of these discussions that go back at least more than two years now, to releasing taliban in exchange for bergdahl. feinstein is even saying she got a call last night from deputy national security adviser tony blinken apologizing, in her words, for making this deal without notifying congress. it's supposed to be a 30-day notification by law. we're waiting for more clarification on what exactly that was. was it an apology, because today the national security team
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released a statement really spelling it out, how this was fully legal, without notifying congress, in their words, because bergdahl's health, even his life were at risk as they put it. now we're hearing mccain come out and calling this deal a mistake, ill-founded, unacceptable, saying it puts the lives of other american service men and women at risk. and that this was not the deal that he had talked about in the past. he said these are some of the hardest and toughest taliban out there. he feels this was the wrong decision. also, speaker of the house john boehner saying, you know, there were questions then, there was opposition then, and he feels those questions still don't have answers, brooke. >> even the president acknowledged this morning when he was speaking from warsaw, that once these men potentially leave qatar in a year, they could go back and join the taliban. michelle kosinski, thank you so much for that. as we await more clarification
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on the different angles of this story. i appreciate that. coming up, bergdahl, as we have been reporting, he's in landstuhl, germany, resting until his health improves. meanwhile, the army is deciding to investigate the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. in a, quote, comprehensive, coordinated effort. when will bergdahl be interrogated? will it be more of a debrief? we'll talk to a counterterrorism expert next. the eyes may be the windows to the soul. but in the case of the lexus ls... ...which eyes? eyes that pivot with the road... ...that can see what light misses... ...eyes designed to warn when yours wander...
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we need to get back to the bergdahl story. president obama said today the last american prisoner of the afghan war has not yet been debriefed, and the team treating sergeant bergdahl released a statement saying he's participating in his health care. the team's full focus remains to provide necessary medical care, and in a safe environment for
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bergdahl's recovery. neither the president nor the hospital said whether bergdahl has spoken to the military of the keep in mind, some of bergdahl's former colleagues say he deserted before he was captured back in 2009. and in the first such statement of its kind, the head of the joint chiefs of staff posted today on his facebook page that like any american, he's innocent until proven guilty. the army leaders will not ignore this conduct if it occurred. joining me from new york, robert mcfadden, a former federal law enforcement officer, now senior haven't of a group serving as special agent of criminal investigations in the navy. robert mcfadden, welcome. >> thank you. >> so, the president said bergdahl hasn't been debriefed, that was his word, and the hospital, of course, we just heard the report from the pentagon, his health is the full focus of doctors. my question to you is, do those
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statements mean categorically that no one there at landstuhl in germany has asked him to tell any part of his story? >> the short answer to that, brooke, is no. it's driven first and foremost by the sergeant's health and welfare. so the next steps, and it will be a very, very sequential by-the-book procedure with such a huge case and situation, predicated by the medical professionals whether he's okay to talk. now, it just depends on the situation with himself, and as far as we know, if there's medical clearance, and the sergeant indicates that he's okay to talk, it may be possible that there's already a dialogue and a debriefing ongoing. >> you've mentioned the word that the president used, debriefed. robert, is there a difference between being debriefed and interrogated? >> well, it's really just a fine distinction. but in a situation like this where you have an american service member who was held by
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the enemy behind lines for five years, that's an extraordinarily long period, and a potential for actionable intelligence is there. think more in terms of the operative phrase debrief than interrogation. >> do you think the priority is what secrets can he share, what intelligence from the taliban he gleaned in five years, or is it, did you leave your post in 2009? >> it's definitely the former. in my experience in government, again, he has bona fide placement to the potential for great amounts of information that -- of use to planners. maybe for safety of personnel. so, therefore, it's driven by the information. now, on the other hand, though, depending -- it's so circumstantial, depending on the conditions the sergeant was held in, for example, extreme isolation, the tape could be potentially disappointing. but first and foremost, it is, what information, from the time he was turned over to special
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operations forces for repatriation, for the seconds and minutes backwards, going back through his captivity, what information does he have available. >> i'm also curious, a lot of people were surprised initially, we saw the president speaking with his parents over the weekend. they have yet to see or speak with their son. is there any reason other than the obvious that really his health is the priority, that the parents have yet to talk to him? >> some speculation on my part. but it may be due to the health issues. i wouldn't be able to say whether it was actually another situation, where let's say for operational reasons, that wouldn't be the case. i tend to doubt that. but tend to think it's more due to the health and welfare situation. >> just finally, quickly, robert, does he, as a member of the military, would he have the right to remain silent? >> well, again, this is really an apt question right now. so much of this depends on what information was available from the previous dod investigation.
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potentially, after -- or maybe parallel with the debriefing, that could very much be the case, if there are elements of the crime, then he as a service member under the code of military justice he would have a right to counsel and right to silence. >> robert mcfadden, special agent in charge of criminal investigations in the navy, and now senior vice president of the sufan group, thank you for your expertise today. i really appreciate it. and coming up, see what happened when a judge and a public defender really got into it, inside, and then outside of the courtroom. here's part of the clip. >> this is -- >> if i had a rock, i would throw it at you right now. stop -- me off. just sit down. i'll take care of it. i don't need your help. sit down. at any minute... could be a victim of fraud. most people don't even know it. fraud could mean lower credit scores,
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i don't know if you've seen anything like this. i have to show this to you. this florida judge was so fed up with his public defender, in this courtroom with everyone sitting around, he challenged him to a fight. we have the audio, video, that appears that the judge delivered on his promise. here's the exchange. >> all right. what do you want to do? >> what do you want to do? i'm waiting. if you want to set it for trial, set it for trial.
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>> you know, if i had a rock, i would throw it at you right now. stop -- me off. just sit down. i'll take care of it. i don't need your help. >> i'm a public defender, i have a right to be here and defend my client. >> i said, sit down! if you want to fight, let's go out back and [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]! >> all right! >> can you imagine sitting in this courtroom and you hear this scuffle and slapping outside the courtroom? if you watch the whole thing through, somebody walks back in, and they applaud. okay. so the public defender says, when they went in the hallway, the judge grabbed him by the
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collar, started hitting him in the head. deputies had to be called in to break up this fight. no one was arrested. the attorney had to be reassigned. it appears no charges will be filed. but the florida bar will be looking into the incident. hln's jane velez-mitchell joins me from new york. and jane, i mean, listen, i'm not taking any sides, but to hear a judge say, if i had a rock, i would throw it at you? >> well, brooke, i am taking sides. i think this is absolutely disgusting, in my opinion. >> for both of them. >> this judge is arrogant. he's entitled. he's abusive. he's a bully. he's got a rage problem, and i want to know why wasn't he arrested. i understand the assistant public defender is not going to press charges. so what, there were bailiffs and deputies in the area when this happened. he should have been cuffed and locked up. he should have been treated like everybody else. and that's the problem. as far as his moral authority, how can he judge somebody else accused of assault now from the bench? it's an absolute outrage. >> do we know what led up to
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this? i watched this multiple times today and i kept thinking, is there some beef outside of the courtroom that we don't know about? >> i don't know, there could be some personal animosity. but brooke, what i think this is really about is the two-tiered system of justice. this was an assistant public defender publicly berated by this judge. he's a guy who represents poor people, people too poor to hire an attorney. i have seen it many times. i've gone into courtrooms to cover celebrity trials and gotten there early. and seen the absolute marked difference between how they treat these indigent defendants and how they treat the celebrities. do you think if a mark geragos or some other high-powered attorney walked into that courtroom, he wouldn't have used that tone or said those things. i think it's because there's a mentality that poor people don't count in our criminal justice system. and that some people really -- nothing to see here, let's move it along. and other people, of course, they get all the consideration.
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so really, this is about, i believe, abuse of power, and disrespect. we are all entitled to a lawyer. this attorney said, hey, i'm doing my job. no, i don't want to waive my client's right to a speedy trial. the judge didn't want to hear this. this guy needs to be kicked off the bench in my opinion. >> i wonder if this story goes anywhere. so far, they say not, but as we all know, that could change. jane velez-mitchell, thank you for that. >> thank you. reporting now, we're getting word that the white house has apologized to congress for the secrecy involving bowe bergdahl. but listen to this. cnn's jake tapper just interviewed bowe bergdahl's team leader from his time in afghanistan, who told jake that afghan villagers told him bergdahl, after he had left his post, wanted to talk to the taliban after he disappeared. we'll talk to jake about that, coming up. dentures are very different to real teeth.
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all right. breaking news here at the top of the hour. i'm brooke baldwin getting more information pertaining the prisoner swap involving five mid to high-ranking taliban leaders for bowe bergdahl, still being treated. health, priority number one, landstuhl, germany. the army will begin to ask questions over whether or not this young man back in 2009 did on his own volition leave, or as some of the men who served with him in his platoon desert his post. two new nuggets this afternoon. the white house, specifically tony blinken, called members of kopgsz, called the head of the senate committee, dianne
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feinstein, apologizing after the defendant defended from warsaw, poland, the action involving the prisoner swap, and two, new information from the leader, this team leader in afghanistan who was with bowe bergdahl. new information surrounding his leaving. jake tapper and jeff toobin joining me. jake, let me begin with you. you have just interviewed this team leader, talking to you about after bowe bergdahl left -- i should say, was no longer at his post, what did he say to folks in this village? >> well, the team leader with whom i spoke, in the interview airing at the top of the hour, talked about, he was actually at the observation post with bowe bergdahl, knew bowe bergdahl, was surprised when bergdahl was not there the next day. was looking for him. two afghan children said that
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they had seen an american soldier crawling through the reeds earlier that day, and pointed in the direction of a village. and then he also said that in the ensuing couple days, he heard an interpreter pick up over the chatter that is listened to, the walkie-talkies that the taliban and insurgents speak to each other over, information that there was an american soldier who had come to a village known for a lot of taliban activity, seeking to talk to the taliban. so that's the team leader, evan, who spoke to me earlier today. again, we've reached out to the pentagon for more information, and we keep getting back this information from the pentagon, from the white house, the principle is leave no man behind and it doesn't come with caveats. that's a position i think a lot of us respect. but there are other questions
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about bergdahl's disappearance that i think should be answered. >> let's just play it. we've turned on the sound, jake. this is some of the sound with this man you've just spoken with. take a listen. >> we were going to certain villages based on intelligence we received. whether we were there to actively serge for bergdahl or talk to the locals to see if they knew anything or do a presence patrol. i believe the fact of the matter is, when those soldiers were killed, they would not have been where they were at if bergdahl had not have left. bergdahl leaving changed the mission. >> that sound is -- yeah, that sound is when i asked evan about these six soldiers who died in the subsequent 90 days in the province, members of the 501st, and the question has been raised, a lot of these soldiers who are upset about bergdahl
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receiving a hero's welcome, i have not heard, by the way, i've not heard one of them say anything political about this, anything about president obama, about whether or not bergdahl's freedom should have been pursued, i've not heard any of them say anything like that. but they don't want to see bergdahl treated like a hero. the reason so many are resentful is six u.s. soldiers were killed in the following months, as you and i have discussed, brooke. the mission in that province changed with the disappearance of bergdahl. and finding him became a real focus. so i said, can we actually point to each one of these deaths, by rpg, by ied, and say it was because of the search. that was his response, that the mission changed. so whether they were actively searching or just going to a village to get information about where bergdahl was, the men were there, because of bergdahl. >> okay. there's that, and we'll look for that interview at the top of the
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hour on "the lead." you covered the obama administration for a number of years, we've learned from the senate intel chair, dianne feinstein, that she got a phone call from tony blinken calling her to apologize, as we have heard from the president from warsaw, defending this prisoner swap. what's your take on the apology? >> well, i think feathers are ruffled in congress, especially when you're in an oversight committee, like the committee on intelligence. dianne feinstein was upset earlier this year because she felt like the cia wasn't being, which is part of the executive branch, was not being forthcoming to say the least. that was feinstein's objections. i think there are checks and balances issues here. and the white house did not alert anybody in the select committees on intelligence, or armed services about this swap, about this mission to get bergdahl back. i mean, they had in vaguer terms
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in the previous months and years, but they didn't with this specifically. as they say, it's easier to-hoe. >> ask for forgiveness. >> -- ask for forgiveness than seek permission. >> jake tapper, we will definitely watch for the interview with evan at the top of the hour. thank you for the preview of that. let me stay on this. jeff toobin, our senior legal analyst joining me on the phone. jeff toobin, i want to stay with this apology. you and i were talking yesterday. you know the law. you said, with this whole 30-day rule, that the president needed to notify congress, you said he absolutely broke the law. and now that we're learning this other layer, and i know jake said this is feathers being ruffled with congress, that they were not notified within that 30-day mark, if this ever comes to a head, if this ever becomes a legal issue, becomes a legal case, with this apology now, would that change things? >> well, i think this is much more destined to be a political
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issue than a legal issue. one of the things the courts have always said is that in disputes between the executive branch and the legislative branch, the judicial branch is going to stay out of it. they don't want to have lawsuits between congressmen and presidents. however, i do think this apology was entirely appropriate, because, you know, in a world where lots of laws are ambiguous, this law was not ambiguous. the president had an obligation to disclose within 30 days a plan to release hostages. he didn't do it. and he did owe dianne feinstein and the other members of congress an apology. >> okay. so you say, jeff, this will likely stay out of it. anything else that you've been watching and learning in all these new tat bits today, legally speaking? >> i think this just shows that members of congress, even democrats, are very jealous of institutional power.
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and that congress doesn't want to be treated like a doormat, even by a president of the same party. and at a time when the president is vulnerable on certain issues, it's all the more important to keep your own party on your side. and i think that's why you saw an apology from tony blinken. >> jeffrey toobin, always wonderful to talk to you. especially in a pinch like this. thank you so much for that, and for your expertise. coming up, we're staying on the breaking story. i'll talk to a speech expert talking to me about the notion that bowe bergdahl lost some ability to speak his native tongue, speak english while in afghanistan. but first, we'll talk about slender man, this scary character on the internet that allegedly led these two 12-year-olds to try to murder their friend at a sleepover. where did all this begin? we'll look into that, coming up. you're watching cnn. ♪ so nice, so nice
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welcome back. i'm brooke baldwin. ghost story, and character named slender man, allegedly inspired these two young girls, middle schoolers, to lead their friends into the woods and stab her 19 times. this is according to police in this chilling case of how fantasy has somehow morphed into reality. morgan geyser and anisa weir allegedly lured their friend, 12 years of age into a wooded area outside of milwaukee, and then these three girls who had just been roller skating and at a
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slumber party, the victim here was one millimeter away from death. >> one suspect held the victim down while the other suspect stabbed her 19 times in the arms, legs, and torso. many of the stab wounds struck major organs, but incredibly and thankfully, the victim survived this brutal assault. >> here's where it gets even more bizarre. this complaint indicates that both of these 12-year-old suspects had this fascination, maybe even obsession with this fictitious character called slender man, a character often featured on the website called creepy pasta wiki. the suspects had been planning this attack since february, and during the court appearance yesterday, look at this father here, two of the parents of these suspects were seen crying, weeping walking out of this courtroom. let me bring in anna and dr.
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nancy boyd. anna, to begin with you here on the facts of this, slender man, you've been researching this character online. what is this? who is he? >> well, basically, brooke, slender man is an internet urban legend, inspired by online horror enthusiasts. he's said to be super human from a different universe, shrouded in mystery. i've even seen him referred to as the boogeyman of the internet. you see a person or a character that's super tall and really, really long arms and legs, as his name suggests, supposedly has tentacles that come out of his back. lives in the forest. and he uses these super long appendages that are extra stretchy to reach out and grab his victims that are primarily children. now, of course, the wisconsin girls allegedly told police that they wanted to act as slender man's proxy. and so they tried to kill their
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friend, in an effort to prove they were worthy of slender man. what's weird here, in all my research i haven't been able to find anything that suggests slender man asks his followers to kill. >> that's what i've been wondering. >> or stabbings. so there's not a direct connection, at least the connections specifically to slebder man. it's still very unclear to me at least. >> apparently when you go onto this website today, they say we do not condone the alleged actions of the two 12-year-old girls. we're sorry for the victim. doctor, to you, i come back to this notion, and i know you do as well, the fact that we're talking about two 12-year-olds, and especially young girls to be accused of such a gruesome crime. to think of these young girls allegedly stabbing this girl 19 times. how did they take this internet mean and take it into reality? >> well, children are much more likely to engage in fantasy and
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to have a difficult time determining the dividing line between fantasy and reality. they get very caught up in fantasy. >> listen, i had a very vivid imagination as a little girl, but it's one thing to tell ghost stories around a camp fire and quite another to apparently carry out something so gruesome. >> well, yes, that's the case. i'm sure that most 12-year-olds would never cross those lines. and that's why in a criminal case we would do an individual forensic evaluation of each girl to determine her state of mind, her developmental level, was she somewhat delayed cognitively or had emotional problems that allowed her to be more susceptible to engagement in fantasy. >> anna, back to you with this creepy pasta wiki website, as i
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was alluding to earlier, they have a statement today. what are they saying? >> well, they aren't saying a whole lot about this case specifically, brooke. however, i want to read you a couple of things. first a tweet that they put out saying that our hearts go out to the 12-year-old girl who was attacked by the two other girls on saturday. the website putting out this statement you see here. this is actually the disclaimer that's on the website that's just part of the website as it operates. administrators are not responsible for any injuries sustained while reading stories on this site. all stories are to be considered fiction even if stated otherwise. this is a website, one of dozens of these creepy pasta forums that essentially attract writers, we're told, that are designed to cater to the horror story enthusiast. and other people on these websites have said, these sites are designed, again, for writers, as more of an artistic
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outlet, but also designed for people who are older than these girls, who are just 12 years old, really cater to the high school age and above. and so it does speak to maybe the vulnerable population, the vulnerable demographic of these 12-year-old girls who got online and some people are saying, ultimately, parents do have some responsibility to make sure they're monitoring what their children are doing on the internet. >> that's the thing, apparently a firewall doesn't exist for wikia, something the young girls could access to school. that's another conversation. thank you both so much for that. coming up next, looking for mh-flight 370 has turned up no clues. but how about listening for the plane? we're learning about the noise reported after the plane went missing that could provide new information for the search. we'll talk about that. plus, do you remember this teen who hid inside the wheel well of a plane? remember when he went from california to hawaii?
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now we have audio of a very confused pilot and air traffic controller talking about this bizarre incident. >> um, we have a guy who just stowed away in the landing gear. >> um, is right. more on that bizarre ba back-and-forthcoming up. ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪ our passi♪n to make it real.
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let's get an update on the story of the california teenager who hid in the landing gear of the airplane. we have the audio recording of the pilot of that plane. this 15-year-old apparently ran away from home, hopped a fence at the san jose airport and climbed in the wheel well of the
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hawaiian airlines jet. he stayed in there the entire 5 1/2-hour flight to hawaii. somehow survived that, walked out of the wheel well before he was caught. in the new audio from the faa, we hear from another hawaiian airlines pilot preparing for his flight, talking to the air traffic controllers about this unlikely holdup. >> um, we have a little delay here today, his guy aiming to stow away in the landing gear. we've got security in there.
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>> okeydoke. as for that teenager, he was hospitalized in hawaii for two weeks. he was then returned to california and placed in child protective services. the slightest of sounds could be linked to the biggest aviation mystery thus far this century. the disappearance of malaysian flight 370. thoe plan to release this audio recording of an underwater noise that they say could be from the plane making contact with the water. crashing into the water. it was detected by a device that was on in order to pick up underwater nuclear explosions. joining me now, cnn aviation analyst, jeff wise. can i first quote, i read this morning, this is from allen duncan, a senior marine science fellow near perth. he said this, quote, it's not
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even really a thump sort of sound, it's more of a dull oomph. can you tell me what really this sound will tell them? >> well, you know, i feel like we're kind of grasping at straws here. it's been about a week that they released that data. that was really the big clue that we hoped we could sink our teeth into. since that time, people have had a hard time imaging anykind of conclusion. now we have this report about the oomph or bump or thump or whatever it might be. we'll know tomorrow when they release the actual audio. but for right now, it seems unlikely, let's put it that way. >> your enthusiasm, jeff wise, is palpable through the tv. the likelihood that it's actually related to the plane, you're saying, not so likely? >> it's got a couple problems with it. for one thing it's in the wrong place. they were able to get, i guess,
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a bearing to tell which direction it was coming from, and have a rough idea how far it is. and it's far from this arc that they think that the plane came down on bailsed on the inmarsat data. it's somewhere south of india, and indian ocean but not near the search area. the oomph, the thump, it doesn't sound even from the description of the scientists themselves not like a slam dunk that this is exactly what a plane would sound like hitting the water. one scientific described it as a pressure vessel being crushed underwater, like a submarine being crushed. at this point, anything at all is worth looking at, because we've got really nothing else. >> what was it you were saying, grasping at straws? we'll wait and see. >> thanks, brooke. >> thank you very much. back to the breaking news. two senators telling cnn that the white house told them to apologize over bowe bergdahl's release.
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plus, bergdahl's father saying that his son isn't able to speak english very well. what would have happened while he was in captivity? how quickly will he be able to, you know, speak his native tongue? we'll talk to a speak expert about that, next. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ my mom works at ge. the clean air act stops polluters from... poisoning his air with arsenic, lead and mercury.
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bottom of the hour. you're watching cnn. we have to get back to the bowe bergdahl story. because president obama says newly freed american soldier bowe bergdahl has yet to be interrogated. but the president is getting grilled for his decision to swap five high to mid-level taliban leaders for this sergeant. his fellow soldiers say men died in the search of bergdahl and accused him of deserting his post back in 2009. president obama today said that
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the exchange for bergdahl's release upheld a, quote end quote, a sacred rule never to leave a man in uniform behind. >> regardless of the circumstances, whatever those circumstances may turn out to be, we still get an american soldier back if he's held in captivity, period. we have consulted with congress for quite some time about the possibility that we might need to execute a prisoner exchange in order to recover sergeant bergdahl. we saw an opportunity. we were concerned about sergeant bergdahl's health. we had the cooperation of the qataris to execute an exchange, and we seized that opportunity. >> that was the president in warsaw this morning. the president defended his decision, we're now learning this afternoon that the white
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house did issue an apology over this prisoner swap. so let's go back to washington to cnn's joe johns. joe, we spoke about this, you know, apology from the chair of the senate intelligence committee, dianne feinstein, but she's not the only one who got the phone call. >> reporter: that's right. dianne feinstein apparently got a phone call from tony blinken from the white house about the release of bowe bergdahl. the top republican on the intelligence committee as well got a call, too. now, what's the problem here? well, number one, there's a law that says congress is supposed to get 30 days notice beforehand before anybody's released from guantanamo bay. and senator saxby chambliss of georgia reacted angrily when i asked him if he got a heads-up. listen. >> senator, the white house says you all were kept in the loop on this. were you? >> the white house is wrong about that.
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i have had a conversation with the white house on this issue in a year and a half. if that's keeping us in the loop, then, you know, this administration is more arrogant than i thought they were. got a phone call last night apologizing for not giving us advance warning of it. >> now, not everyone on the hill was blindsided by this news. the senate majority leader harry reid told me that he heard about it on friday, apparently, before the release actually happened. so why is this an issue besides the legal requirement, which the administration already said it considered unconstitutional. there are a lot of people on capitol hill, especially republicans, who say they're very concerned that the five taliban officers who got released are very bad customers. so they're asking more questions, including saxby chambliss, he's actually asking for information about those five individuals, to be declassified, so people can see just how serious this situation is, in his view. >> i'm glad you followed up
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today with that, joe johns. thank you so much, from the u.s. capitol. that's one piece of the story. another piece, has bowe bergdahl, the last american prisoner of the afghan war, forgotten english? his father seems to think so. >> i'd like to say to bowe right now, who's having trouble speaking english -- [ speaking foreign language. >> i hope your english is coming back. >> that is bob bergdahl who actually speaks one of afghanistan's native languages. bowe bergdahl is said by his former soldiers to have studied the afghan language in his bunk. a linguist from the university of southern california is here with me. sandra, welcome, first and foremost. >> my pleasure. >> bowe bergdahl was held, as we
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know, close to five years. is it possible that a person can forget their native language, either through trauma that bergdahl endured, or through lack of use, if he was communicating with his captors through another language? >> i can't speak to the trauma. i'm not a psychologist. but i can tell you that linguists have studied this phenomena called language attrition, for quite a few years. we're learning ever more about it. the quick answer is, he hasn't forgotten it. the chances are overwhelmingly in favor of him retrieving his english quite quickly. people do this all the time. we've had studies that range from people that are just away for a junior year abroad, to those who have moved to another society for much of their lives. and they all manage to retrieve -- to be able to speak their first language when necessary. they might not choose to do so, but they will certainly have the
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ability to do so. my favorite example is the grandmother of my best friend in high school who was born in the cape verde islands, spoke portuguese for the first 17 years of her life. and she emigrated to boston, spoke nothing but english with her five children in her household. and lived to the ripe old age of 115. she became the second oldest person on earth at the time of her death. but what's interesting here is when she turned 108, she had a minor stroke. it didn't create any impairment, other than the fact that her english disappeared. and all she spoke was the portuguese that she hadn't spoken for nearly a century. >> how about that. >> so your language is really well imprinted. unless, of course, you have left it as a child, as a really young child. children under 8, for example, those in international adoptions, will forget their native language. >> which we know that wasn't this case. he was 23 at the time of the
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capture. but reportedly, bowe bergdahl sketched out the initials sf question mark on this paper plate when he was rescued presumably asking if they were special forces rescuing him. so that sounds to me that maybe to your point, he hasn't forgotten english entirely at all. >> correct. if anything's going to be lost, it will be individual words. the accent is less likely to erode and the grammar is less likely yet. there is going to be diminution, as i said cases of these students going abroad as juniors, immersed in japanese or spanish or something, will recognizably quaver in their english a little bit. but once they come back into an english's speaking environment, the first language will typically come back quite quickly. not clear about the effect of his trauma. this might be totally overshadowed by any psychological damage he may have
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endured. but to a linguist, it's very optimistic situation. >> thank you, sandra, from the university of southern california. linguist. thank you for your perspective on that one. >> you're welcome. one of the country's largest automakers, general motors is dealing with recalls, ties to at least 13 deaths. the news today, we have learned that the company's monthly sales are at the highest in about five years. we'll explain what's behind that. plus, his character is a snarky political pundit, but there's this new study that shows that this individual is actually teaching you about one very specific subject. what it is, that is next. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ]
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stabber on the loose in new york. three people have been attacked recently. the latest victims, a 7-year-old and 6-year-old in an elevator. they were just apparently going to get ice cream. police have released a sketch of the suspect. we'll tell you about that investigation coming up next. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! with lobster! don't miss our first ever lobster toppers event! 4 delicious entrees topped with sweet, succulent maine lobster starting at just $15.99! like savory new wood-grilled shrimp
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a reality for families in brooklyn. 6-year-old boy is dead. a 7-year-old girl is in critical condition, fighting for her life. and police are searching for a man who they say might be responsible for another stabbing blocks away. following the story from new york, deborah, the ages of these kids here. >> yeah. >> what's going on? >> it's heartbreaking. and everybody wants this person caught and off the streets. there's a palpable sense of fear in that part of brooklyn. two children, best friends playing on a sunny sunday. they were riding bikes, climbing a jungle gym and the adults were watching these two children. they decided they wanted to go upstairs and get an ice pop. they stepped into the elevator of their building and that's when they were attacked. a heavyset man with an eight-inch kitchen knife repeatedly stabbing the 8-year-old 15 times. she survived.
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but her friend known as p.j., he was stabbed more than a dozen times. he did not survive. this took place in an elevator. there was nowhere for these two little children to run. the brooklyn community is mourning. here's how p.j.'s godfather describes the child. >> he was coming along great in school. i thought he was going to achieve great things, i really did. i thought his learning capacity was growing. and there would have been no limits as to what he could have accomplished. it's just cut short unfortunately. >> so much joy taken from this community. the brooklyn housing project is supposed to have surveillance cameras, and money was allocated by the city, but there were no cameras in the elevator or
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hallway, even though this is a high crime area. that is making capturing this man particularly challenging. it is now under investigation as to why there were no cameras. as for p.j., he's related taj giveton, and he tweeted out -- >> and on top of that, police are saying that this man may have stabbed someone else just a few days prior? >> exactly. police are canvassing the neighborhood. several blocks away on friday, an 18-year-old girl, an aspiring nurse, was stabbed more than two dozen times also with a similar kitchen knife. police are trying to get dna off that knife. there don't appear to be any fingerprints but they're looking what can be done. this community is very, very fearful there's a madman on the loose. they want him off the streets. police are looking as to whether there was anybody left out on
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parole, from the psychiatric unit released. >> the fear is understandable. deborah, . coming up next, we've been talking a lot about general motors. they are dealing with faulty ignition switches tied to the 13 deaths. but we have learned that the company's monthly sales are the highest in about five years. we'll explain what is behind that, next, on cnn. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts, ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪
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in the election, you win or you go home. it's pretty simple. there are things that are a little more complicated like a campaign reform. but this one person on this tv show is doing a better job at
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educating you than other organizations. who is that? this guy. >> can i spend it on other things besides politics? let's say if i'm sarah palin and i got a couple million bucks in my pack there, can i take it to private jets to go places? >> you can. >> i can? >> i write a check to my super pac and because i sent a letter along the way that said here's what i want you guys to do with it, neither i nor me nor me is responsible for what happens to the money. >> that's right. >> i love america. >> answer the colbert report. researchers found that the colbert nation not only thought they knew more something about finance campaign more than others, they were actually right. so our media correspondent is about to talk about campaign
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finance reform. brian stelter, in the studio, in the flesh. welcome. >> thank you. >> they dedicate chunks of time on that show and he pulls it off. >> that's what the researchers found. that's why it's effective. they did this phone poll. i tried to poke holes in the study and found that colbert came out ahead in part because he has a narrative about this issue and he makes it part of the story. and researchers said that it's more effective to researchers. >> full disclosure, the study pitted him against cnn, fox, everyone else. >> yeah. >> he's so passioned about it. >> the viewer can feel it. >> that's right. americans for a better tomorrow, tomorrow and then it's a running joke. >> and viewers come back each and every night. >> right. >> we were talking earlier and -- because i'm curious, how
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many people did they have dedicated to something like this? you went to the daily show. >> at least 15 people are throwing out jokes, even funnier than the jokes at some point. the same for colbert and john oliver is doing innovative stuff on hbo. they are coming up with interesting new ways -- they wouldn't say it -- but to cover the news through satire. >> talk about that. can colbert do that over there? >> it will be so hard. i think if anybody can, he will. >> totally different format. >> jimmy fallon is doing cool things. i'm sure colbert will be doing the same thing but i doubt he'll be having a running story about campaign finance reform on "the late show." >> thank you so much. "reliable sources" on sunday. thank you. people are buying gm vehicles despite this massive
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recall and at least 13 deaths linked to faulty ignition switches. there is a problem with more fatal car accidents linked to that defect. to our business correspondent alison kosik live at the new york stock exchange, tell me more about the report. >> this report is really turning heads because it's from reuters and more people than first thought were killed in these accidents and it was similar to accidents that happened because of the faulty ignitions and it started all of these recalls back in february. reuters is saying 74 people were killed. not 13 coming from gm. this is an analysis that reuters did on its own. what it specifically looked at were accidents where the front air bags didn't deploy and the driver in the front passenger seat were killed and found that
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it happened more frequently in the chevy cobalt. now, gm is strongly pushing back saying that the total number of deaths associated with the ignition switch recall condition stands at 13. brooke? >> still, when you see those numbers, you have to wonder, whether it's mary barra and simply the fact that their sales numbers are up. how about that? >> they are. you know, gm sales not taking a hit. in may, the april sales were also up. keep in mind, the may sales are the strongest sales since 2008. sue this is still after all of these recalls coming out, a couple reasons they are not being manufactured anymore. a couple of people are out there
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looking for a car and the old gm model with the new gm and also there have been so many recalls that consumers are growing numb to them. it's not sticking as long and consumers as a whole are moving on from it. brooke? >> alison kosik, thank you very much. before i go, stelter, stop the twitters. >> live tv. >> you were just not too long ago hitched. >> yes, three months ago. >> have you seen this picture? a lot of people put a lot into the pictures they get for weddings but there was apparently this ceremony that sort of went under water. have you heard about this? everybody wants a great dock shot. a wedding party, 20 or so people. i love this. nice job, guys. this is one hour before the ceremony. take a look. didn't know if we had sound. the screaming. just wanted to hear that.
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a couple of bridesmaids. >> what would your wife have done? >> the first per ferkt test for that couple. >> and then they still said "i do"? >> absolutely. >> thank you so much for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow. in the meantime, "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. so what really happened when then private bowe bergdahl disappeared? his former team leader who was there that night is here to tell us. i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." he just walked away. that's exactly what happened. we knew that he had left. >> the world lead. he was there from the very beginning. now bowe bergdahl's former team leader says the man that the u.s. just traded for five taliban is no hero and he suggests suspicious things happened to american soldiers after bergdahl left the observation post. the money lead. general motors only admits that 13